Hello Friends,
Hope all is well. I came across this video today that has some great quotes. The music is soothing. Something you can probably meditate to.
When it comes to anything that you want in life you just have to to do it. So many times we get bogged down in the Rat Race we call life. We allow the little things to bother us when there is so much good around us.
Look around you. Smell the flowers. Appreciate others and realize that they are simply a reflection of you. Understand those around you to gain a better understanding of your self.
Grow daily learning something new that will bring you closer to your goals. Think Big...and then start small, gradually putting together the pieces of the master plan for your life.
Life is whatever you want to make it. The first step is having a dream. Dream big and in color. Envision everything exactly as you want it to be and jump at the opportunity when it presents it self.
The NBA's current advertising campaign slogan is Where Amazing Happens! "Amazing Happens" when you say to yourself,"The time is NOW, and I'm going to make the most if it!"
Enjoy this short video. Thanks for stopping by and many Blessings!
Engage 9: Being in Love
21 hours ago