Hope all is well. This is another video by Michael Losier, author of the best-selling book, Law of Attraction: The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don't
Once we start to apply the Law Of Attraction(LOA) we have the responsibility to allow what we are asking for into our lives. Losier breaks down responsibility as "the ability to respond."
Many times people ask for what they want but they don't respond to what they are getting. Allowing is the most important part of using LOA. If you don't respond to what the Universe is giving you, all you are, is in the habit of saying daily affirmations.
Nothing comes from routine affirmation. There is no feeling behind dead repetition. Once you feel good about what you are wanting, and you have that image stamped in your subconscious, you actually have to receive it when opportunity strikes. As soon as there is an opening, jump at it. Don't delay. If the time is right, act.
Enjoy this short video from Michael Losier about responsibility.
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